As complex and contradictory as all great works of art, Dylan’s fifth studio affair brought forth changes that are now so ingrained into the fabric of music that we assume that they’ve always existed.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Blood On The Tracks’ Turns 50 | Album Anniversary
Whether or not ‘Blood On The Tracks’ is based on reality is immaterial. The album still has a power that hasn’t waned in the past five decades.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Another Side of Bob Dylan’ Turns 60 | Album Anniversary
Dylan’s fourth studio album was integral in directing the next half century of his storied career, as the alternate side of the singer-songwriter became the prevalent side.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘The Times They Are A-Changin’’ Turns 60 | Album Anniversary
With a stripped-down nature that makes the stories feel close and the emotion raw, Dylan’s third studio LP tackles the American trademarks of racism, poverty, and social change.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan’ Turns 60 | Album Anniversary
With his second studio LP, Dylan was recognized as a serious singer-songwriter in the mold of Woody Guthrie, speaking profoundly about complex issues.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Time Out of Mind’ Turns 25 | Album Anniversary
‘Time Out of Mind’ took risks, succeeded, and was rewarded. There wasn’t a Bob Dylan album like it before, and there likely won’t be another ever again.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Blonde on Blonde’ Turns 55 | Anniversary Retrospective
Dylan has recorded all manner of music in the 55 years since his seventh studio LP was released, but he has rarely sounded as confident and self-assured as he did on this album.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Highway 61 Revisited’ Turns 55 | Anniversary Retrospective
Many Dylan devotees and critics alike still consider ‘Highway 61 Revisited’ to be his most towering achievement across his prolific recording career.
Read moreBob Dylan’s ‘Saved’ Turns 40 | Anniversary Retrospective
Where ‘Slow Train Coming’ (1979) had been seen as a curious novelty, ‘Saved’ doubled down on Dylan’s conversion and reinforced that he was serious about this Jesus stuff.
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